Plus One English Gooseberries Notes, Summary, Answers

In "Gooseberries," Anton Chekov is distrustful of people who seek happiness and comfort; he feels that pain is the precursor to a meaningful existence and that pursuing happiness is the wrong route because it leads to stagnation and complacency.

All of the important themes for the Kerala syllabus Plus one English student are covered in the "Plus One English Chapter-by-Chapter Notes, Summary, Character Sketches, and Solutions." It's a bitter story about a "gentle, timid man," a government servant, who dreamed of retiring to a small plot of land in the country to live a peaceful life and harvest gooseberries. His avarice develops as he saves money, and his dream becomes less modest. We have been able to increase user appreciation as a result of our continued efforts.

Board SCERT, Kerala
Text Book NCERT Based
Class plus one
Subject English Notes
Chapter Chapter 1
Chapter Name Gooseberries
Category Plus One Kerala

Kerala Syllabus plus one English Notes Unit V Chapter 1 Gooseberries (Short story)

Chapter 1 Gooseberries

Anton Chekhov 
Anton Chekhov is Russia's most famous and treasured storyteller, a professional doctor and master of short stories. He was a pivotal player in the development of modernism in theatre. The brilliant theatrical translator Curt Columbus recaptures the master's open-ended simplicity in these fresh, lively new translations of Chekhov's four finest plays—Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters, and Cherry Orchard. "Gooseberries" is set in late-nineteenth-century Russia, shortly after the country's feudal structure was abolished.


Gooseberries was written at the end of Chekhov's life and originally published in 1898 as the third story of The Little Trilogy. Within this story, the author explores two of his favourite themes: societal injustice and the search for fulfilment. Supposedly, this narrative is about landowners who neglect the pain of others who are less fortunate than themselves. But, as we see when Ivan affirms the hollowness of personal achievement, 
Chekhov also exposes a more subtle topic than class divisions. Successful individuals, according to Ivan, are blind to reality because they feel they are immune to bad luck. As a result, Ivan laments his own happiness, knowing that "life will show him her claws sooner or later." Chekhov jolts his readers out of complacency with this stroke,which appears as a sting in the tail of his narrative. 
We are compelled to consider if life is something to be sailed through without regard for obstacles or disappointments, or whether it offers us the chance to grasp "something larger and more reasonable" than bliss. When Ivan claims that man requires just the freedom to traverse the globe, where he can "show all the charms and oddities of his free spirit," 
Chekhov answers Tolstoy's philosophical question, "How much land does a man need?" Chekhov raises more questions than he answers when it comes to Ivan's great theory. We are urged to use our intelligence and imagination to figure out what motivates the characters in Gooseberries, as well as to speculate on the meaning of occurrences. 
But this simply adds to the realism of the situations and individuals depicted—in "real life," we must likewise speculate about what motivates people's actions. Chekhov's methods of dramatising his story—the elements he employs to convey atmosphere and create believable characters—give the image of a place populated by actual people going about their daily lives. The author does not thrust the small frustrations of human existence into his text's background 
In fact, he emphasises such flaws in order to fill out his characters' characteristics. For example, we learn that Burkin is unable to sleep due to the "oppressive scent" of "stale tobacco" flowing from Ivan's pipe. Similarly, because Aliokhin hasn't cleaned in a long time, the water surrounding him turns brown. 
Nothing escapes Chekhov's notice or fails to pique his interest; even the tiniest detail is exploited to prove his characters' humanity as well as their fragility. 
Despite the fact that Chekhov's work is rich in crucial (but seemingly insignificant) detail, he does not force us to notice it. Chekhov "never stresses his effects, he never nudges the reader's elbow," according to critic Maurice Baring in Landmarks of Russian Literature. It is up to us to notice the details and enjoy the finer points of his text.

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