Plus two English Notes Chapter4 Horegallu Summary

Plus two English Notes Chapter4 Horegallu (Anecdote)

Sudha Murty describes a stone bench under the local banyan tree in her narrative "Horegallu." During their lengthy strolls, people used to sit there and relax. The presence of the horegallu was beneficial. People require emotional horegallus just like they do physical horegallu. One such person was the author's granddad. Here you can see Narration, comparison, review, and comprehension of Sudha Murty's anecdote "Horegallu" for Plus two English

People regularly need to talk to someone else about their concerns and issues. At the moment, nobody has time to listen to others because everyone is too busy. Even just talking can be a great stress reliever. It is not required to offer suggestions about how to fix their issues. Actually, the people themselves should provide the remedies. Being a good listener suffices.

Board SCERT, Kerala
Text Book NCERT Based
Class Plus Two
Subject English Notes
Chapter Chapter 4
Chapter Name Horegallu (Anecdote)  
Category Plus Two Kerala

Kerala Syllabus Plus Two English Notes Unit I Chapter 4 Horegallu (Anecdote)  

Chapter 4 Horegallu (Anecdote) 


Sudha Murthy's "Horegallu" is an anecdote. It comes from The Old Man and His God: Exploring India's Spirit. The narrator recalls her formative years spent in a village during the summer. A massive banyan tree in that village offered protection and solace to onlookers. Under that banyan tree, there was a "horegallu" for the comfort of the onlookers. Literally translated, "Horegallu" means "a stone that can withstand weight." The "horegallu" served as a stone bench where travellers might sit, converse, and exchange travel-related news. There was an earthen pot close to the "horegallu" that offered the travellers "cold" water. 
She thought of her grandfather, who used to sit beneath the banyan tree, when she heard "Horegallu." He had been a teacher for many years. He engaged the locals in dialogue about their "burdens" while also listening to them. Here, "burdens" was a metaphor for everyday stressors, worries, and unimportant issues like the weather. He was affectionately referred to as "Masterji" by the peasants. They felt relief and rejuvenation once they had discussed their "burdens" with the granddad. These villagers carried their "burdens" on their trek while maintaining a cheerful and joyful expression.

As a young child, the narrator was unable to comprehend why he chose to listen to their "burdens". According to her grandfather, "horegallu" is important in everyone's life because everyone carries "burdens." If people share their "burdens" with others, that will be beneficial. She thought of her grandfather, who used to sit beneath the banyan tree, when she heard "Horegallu." He had been a teacher for many years. He engaged the locals in dialogue about their "burdens" while also listening to them. Here, "burdens" was a metaphor for everyday stressors, worries, and unimportant issues like the weather. These They will obtain refuelling through sharing. He continues, "It (Horegallu) aids patients in regaining their vigour."

There had been years. Ratna was a coworker of the narrator's in the workplace where she was employed. She thought Ratna was like her grandfather. They both performed the role of "human horegallus." Ratna was a middle-aged senior clerk who was "always smiling." She had a degree. She was a sympathetic person. She listened attentively as others explained their "issues." She possessed a "infectious cheeriness" that she used to make her coworkers happy.

Ratna listened to each person's "issues" during the lunch break. The narrator pondered how she would address the "issues" of others one day. She responded by saying that she only heard about their "issues". She was unable to resolve anyone's issues. They were forced to confront and solve their issues on their own. Ratna provided them with comfort and refreshment by listening to their "troubles" with "sympathy" and "without any judgement." She therefore assisted them in reducing their obligations.

She replied horrifyingly that she had never imagined such a horrific thing. It was a "worse" sin in her eyes. She also said that people would only confide their troubles in her if they trusted her. They were relieved and inspired by this altruistic deed, at least for a little while.

The narrator claims that her grandfather and Ratna were performing acts of selflessness and charitable work. They weren't acting in this manner to receive praise or rewards. Instead, they experienced "joy" after becoming "human horegallus." This attentive listener need to be a cheerful individual with a positive attitude on life. Only then could they "lighten" the "burdens" of others and provide solace. In order for everyone to have the opportunity to lessen their "burdens," the narrator longed for everybody to acquire such "human horegallus".

Related Questions

a) What is a ‘horegallu’ ? What is its purpose?

A stone seat is called a horegallu. It is beneficial for people who are fatigued to sit down and rest for a while so they may regain their energy.

b) What are the special memories the author associates with ‘horegallu’?

The author has fond memories of her grandfather conversing with locals who worked in the adjacent fields while sitting on a horegallu. Her grandfather was a retired educator who frequently sat on the horegallu in the village's banyan tree. On the stone bench, the weary peasants would gather and chat with her grandfather. After playing, she would sit by her grandfather and listen to the talks he was having with the locals while taking a nap.

c) How does the grandfather refresh the travellers? 

By simply listening to the travellers, the grandfather made them feel better. He would listen while the peasants described their difficulties. They appeared revived by this.

d) Is ‘horegallu’ essential in a journey? Why?

'Horegallu' is necessary for travel. Any trip involves some travel time. The path of life itself is intended to be. We need to take a seat occasionally to relax and recharge. Nobody in this world is without problems of some description. A sympathetic ear will enable the troubled individual to at least momentarily lifting his load.

e) What is Ratna’s simplistic outlook?

She has the naive belief that God gave her two ears so she can listen to others. She cannot resolve people's issues because she is neither an intellectual nor a qualified counsellor. They must complete it on their own. She just empathizes with the folks and listens to them without passing any judgment. She thinks it greatly lessens tension when a person finds a way to vent their anxieties.

f) The author wishes there were many more of ‘horegallu’ in the world. Comment.

A horegallu is a stone bench where weary individuals can unwind and reenergize. These stones are typically found in the shade of trees. Tired travellers relieve themselves, sit down, and talk to someone who will listen to them. We are all on a journey called life. We all have different kinds of burdens to bear. We can release our burdens and feel comforted if there is a kind and understanding listener. Your problem won't be resolved by the horegallu, but it will temporarily alleviate it. The author assumes that we are all horegallu.

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